Ordini Cavallereschi Crucesignati

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giovedì 4 aprile 2019


Reggenza Nazionale P.d.A.M.


Subject: Kidnapped children


It is the undersigned's opinion that the situation of missing children has reached an alarming level; kidnapped for the most varied horrifying reasons, including mainly sexual slavery – pedo-pornography, domestic slavery and removal of organs for criminal transplants, but the sufferings of these innocents continue within the indifference and silence of almost all governments and mass media. Just in the Western World in 2018 62.000 children under the age of ten went missing in 2018, with highest percentage in the USA; after a year most of them have been found but 4217 (UN) are still missing. The proportion around the world is very high as “an estimated 8 million children are reported missing each year around the world.” (ICMEC) But in the Wayne County area, USA, which includes Detroit, as part of the one-day Police operation, in September 2018, “out of 301 files of missing children, 123 were identified and recovered safely during the operation which took place on September 26. (…) «All of the children were interviewed and potentially victimised or used in a sex trafficking ring during their period of time they that they were deemed missing» the statement read” (news.com.au). If you think that in a one-day operation a Police force can find that many missing children, it simply means that it’s only a question of directing the forces towards the right direction and to do that you need the right politicians.

Matteo CorneliusSullivan
Reggente del Partito della Alternativa Monarchica

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